Detailed Radio Button

An amount can be waived for specific fields for all of a patient's prescriptions. For example, if the amount for the Deductible is set to $2.00 and the third party returns a deductible of $6.11, only $2.00 will be deducted, leaving a balance of $4.11 to be applied to the last financial payer (i.e. Cash, Account Receivables or Nursing Charge).

From the Patient Waive Preferences window, do the following:

  1. Select the Detailed radio button to waive specific amounts for Cost, Fee, Markup, and Deductible.
  2. Enter the amounts to be waived in the Cost, Fee, Markup and/or Deductible field(s).
  3. Enter an amount in the Acceptance Threshold field, if required. This allows the prescriptions to pass adjudication without any intervention up to and including the amount entered.
  4. Select the OK button.